Sunday, July 27, 2014

Need Patience

Dearest Precious Children~

You all were awake earlier this morning, so we had plenty of time to get ready this morning and head to church.  Joshua and Grace went to church school while Faith stayed with us in big church.   We sat with Grandpa Jim, Uncle James, and Gigi (when she finished playing in the praise team).  ;-)   The weather stated it would be hot and partly sunny today, so we left some windows open a crack while in church.  During the sermon, it started to pour down hard!   I ran out there to roll the windows up but our seats were already wet.   ;-P   Oh my!  It stayed slightly cooler and cloudy the rest of the day .... that forecast was wrong.  :-P

After church, we decided to have a fun lunch near the house.  We tried a new BBQ place called Dickeys.  You three split chicken fingers and did really well with the sides.  Joshua ate a good amount of mac and cheese and ate some BBQ. You three all tried the hush puppies.  They had free soft serve ice cream, so that was fun having you all try it!  Faith ate a lot.  :-)   Joshua and Grace liked the waffle cones too.  :-)

Once we got home we checked on our crock pot that we started earlier. We're making potato soup to freeze for later.  Then we attempted rest time but everyone fought it .... though daddy and I were tired.  :-P  So, after attempting for a while, everyone ended up downstairs.  Daddy cooked his lunches for the week while Joshua and Faith had a snack.  Grace was getting congested and her stomach was feeling weird.  Truth be told, my stomach was feeling weird too .... I think I ate too much at lunch.  :-P  Neither of us ate a lot for dinner.  The potato soup turned out good though, so I added that to the freezer for when Coconut and Cookie Dough come along.  And, we baked more pumpkin chocolate chip bread too!  Now, we have 3 casseroles, 1 soup, and 2 loaves of bread in the garage freezer ready for when the twins come!  We'll continue to add food in the next couple of weeks, but that's a great start!

After dinner you all played outside for a little bit.  I tried to get a group photograph of you all, but I got so frustrated.  People weren't cooperating and were getting tired from no naps.  We tried again inside and the same thing happened.  We did end up getting a photo to use for our 52 week photo project, but I yelled at you all since I was frustrated.  I felt so bad.  I knew you all were tired and Grace was getting more congested .... I'm sorry.  You all didn't deserve that and I need to work on my patience.  I hope you all can forgive me.  Everyone ended up having an earlier bedtime. 

Faith, you fell asleep first, so we put you in the toddler bed .... we'll see how long that lasts!  You have yet to spend an entire night in your own bed.  :-P

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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