Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fun Photo Session

Precious Children~

While you all were eating breakfast, I went ahead and prepared everything for dinner tonight.  We're going to bake a pork loin and I cut up potatoes and onions to bake with it.  Then, we had an impromptu photo session upstairs as we were getting ready for the day.  You all crawled into our bed as I was brushing my teeth.  Since you all looked so cute, I took the camera out and got a good shot of you all for our 52 week photo project.  ;-)

You all played afterward as I went on the exercise bike a little.  Then, we watched some television.  I'm trying to create my own 'modified rest' so that hopefully I don't have to take a real doctor's bed rest later in the pregnancy.  So, you all might get a lot more movie days to relax .... we want to make sure Coconut and Cookie Dough grow as much as they can before coming.  :-)

You all cleaned your plates for lunch.  As we were eating, we baked our pork for dinner.  Then, we played downstairs. 

You all really fought nap time this afternoon!  I eventually got Faith and Joshua to nap, but it was a struggle. Grace just laid their quietly on the couch, so I went upstairs to take a quick shower.  When I came back downstairs I found Grace singing and dancing in the living room!  I was lucky she didn't wake the other two.  ;-P   You ended up curling next to me and felt your baby brothers kick!   :-)   You eventually fell asleep laying on me.

Daddy got home early so we all ate dinner together.  This evening we relaxed, watched some World Cup soccer, ran laundry, and played Mario Cart on the Wii.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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