Saturday, July 12, 2014


Dearest Angels~

After a relaxing breakfast this morning, we got ready for the day and then loaded up for a road trip.  We headed to Asheboro to see Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, Grandpa Jim, Uncle James, (Great) Aunt Peans, and (Great) Uncle Tom.  Your (Great) Aunt Peans, and (Great) Uncle Tom had flown into town from Philly yesterday.  

We got there a little before lunch and visited before eating.  After lunch, we all walked around the house to stretch our legs.  Then, Great Grandpa took Joshua, Grace, Grandpa Jim, and Uncle James on a tracker ride.  The back rail of the tracker ended up coming off and Grandpa Jim had to jump out to get it!   Haha!  Uncle James kept you two in the tracker.  :-P

When you all were finished, we relaxed inside, visited, and then headed back around 2:30pm. 

Once home we watched some World Cup soccer .... the finals are tomorrow.  After dinner, we finished the rest of the Star Trek movie .... Into Darkness.  Everyone was hyper so people got in trouble right before bedtime for playing too rough.   I hope you all learn your lessons so that no one gets hurt anymore. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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