Sunday, June 8, 2014


Dearest Blessings~

Everyone was up early this morning .... so we made it to church on time.  :-)  Faith stayed with daddy and I in the big church.  We sat with Uncle James and Grandpa Jim and watched Gigi play in the praise team.  Grace and Joshua went to church school and learned about the Ten Commandments.  ;-)

Afterward, we all went back to our house for lunch.  It was a nice day, so we all played outside some after eating, but we didn't stay out too long since it was hot.  By 1:30pm we all came back inside.  Uncle James read you all stories, and then everyone left so you all could have rest time .... though no one napped.  :-P

This afternoon we played.  You all ate 'ok' for dinner .... Joshua did taste the steaks which was nice! 

You all had a bath this evening and then we relaxed in the playroom. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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