Tuesday, June 10, 2014

First Day Of School For All

Dearest Angels~

Today is the first day of school for you three!  Ironically I have off today, which is good since I wasn't sure how everyone would react.  ;-)

Everyone ate well for breakfast and then we loaded up and headed to school.  We were there a little after 8am.  Joshua got to see where Grace and Faith would be and their classrooms.  Their classrooms had little signs on the door to welcome them!  How cute!  Joshua had no problems .... as usual.  He went right into his classroom and started playing.  ;-)  Grace did well too .... we've been talking about starting school and how fun it would be .... so you were excited about today.  You went inside and started playing as well.  Faith .... you poor little thing .... you clung to me and wouldn't let go of my fingers.   :-P  My heart broke when you started crying.  I hate to see one of you all cry, but I also expected it.  I teared up when you were crying, but then I saw one of Joshua's teachers and she said she would walk Joshua down to Faith's room so he could check on her.  ;-)  How precious!

When I left you all, I headed to Harris Teeter for some quick groceries.  I also picked up some chocolate chip cookies for you all as a treat for your first day of school!  Once home, I cooked some meat and made a lasagna for us for dinner.  Then, I went on the exercise bike. 

By 11am, I got a phone call and an email .... Grace and Faith were doing fine!  No more tears and everyone was adjusting!  This made me so happy!  The email even had some pictures of the girls playing in their rooms!  God is good!  I was so worried! 

After taking a shower, wrapping daddy's father day gifts, and baking our lasagna, I came to pick you all up from school .... Quinn came to do speech today at school so I had to wait until Joshua's appointment was over. 

Everyone got good reports from their teachers!  Joshua was even able to check on his sisters during the day!  How nice!  Grace, there was confusion about you today and you actually ended up in the wrong class .... when you return on Thursday you'll actually go to the class above you.  You were too advanced for the class you were put in.  ;-)   But, everyone had fun!  Faith, the teachers were impressed by how much you ate.  ;-)

Joshua, you did well with Quinn for speech.  We have some more homework to do, but you're doing just fine.  :-)

Everyone had dinner once home.  When daddy got here, we all had a chocolate chip cookie to celebrate everyone's good first day at school!  Yippie! 

You three got a bath tonight before bed.  Faith, we tried sleep training again to put you in the toddler bed with Grace and Joshua .... you cried and screamed again .... we'll keep trying.  :-P

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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