Sunday, June 29, 2014

Beach And Pool Time

Dearest Children~

After breakfast this morning we put on our bathing suits and headed to the beach!  We walked over there and got there around 9am.  Grace had fun building sand castles and pies.   Joshua liked throwing the sand.   :-P   Faith didn't want to touch the sand or the ocean!   :-P   It was really windy with a high tide.  We got there fairly early, but it was getting crowded as we were leaving around 10:15am.  Joshua held my hand and put his feet in the ocean!   I tried throwing the football with Joshua, but it was so windy!

Once we got back, we all quickly rinsed off but we couldn't get all the sand off!   Haha!  Then we had a snack and rested a little.  We walked next door for some lunch after and then came back to the condo to watch the rest of Revenge of the Sith.

Faith ended up taking a nap once the movie ended.  So, we piled into the van and took a drive down the beach and looked at all the houses.  Grace ended up falling asleep too.  So, drove down to Wrightsville Beach too and saw more ocean. 

Once we got back, we had some dinner at the condo.  Then we spent an hour at the pool in the condo complex.   Faith did not like going in the water .... she cried.  :-)   Joshua was pretty adventurous.   ;-)   Grace got in but mainly wanted to be pulled in the float and not kick her legs.  :-P  We stayed out there until 8:30pm so we had a later bedtime, but it was nice to play with you all in the water .... I hadn't been in a pool in a long time.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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