Wednesday, May 28, 2014

OB Appointment

Dearest Gifts~

Wow .... you three were up early this morning!  I ran some laundry, hand washed more dishes, got you all ready, and took the trash/recycling out .... and still had some time to spare before needing to leave to drop Joshua off at school.  ;-) 

Today Coconut and Cookie Dough have an appointment .... so Uncle James came over this morning to watch the girls.  I dropped Joshua off at school and then went to my appointment. 

So far so good .... the appointment went well.  My weight is now 147.8 lbs (and only getting bigger .... yippies!) and my blood pressure was 116/75.  My urine was normal with no signs of preeclampsia thus far.  The OB was able to find two strong heartbeats easily and said 'I love your babies!' since it's typical for one twin to be harder to find apparently.  :-)  Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and then we'll go every 2 weeks after.  By 28-32 weeks she said it will start to 'be hard to move around' .... which she would know since she has boy/girl twins herself!  They want me to get to 38 weeks and we're 20.5 weeks right now.  I'll start taking a baby aspirin daily to help decrease the chance of blood clots and preeclampsia .... and they will start checking the cervix for any dilating by 32 weeks.  I feel you guys poking around in there sometimes now.  ;-)  Lets keep praying for a continued healthy pregnancy!  

I got home to a surprise since you all helped Uncle James clean up the playroom!  ;-)   After a potty/diaper break we all headed out.  I needed to make a quick trip to pick up some papers concerning my student loans (fun) and then we took Uncle James to lunch to thank him for watching you two.  We went to Steak And Shake and you two split a chicken kids meal.  ;-)   Then, we stopped at Gigi's house for another potty break.

After we said 'bye' to Uncle James, you two helped me pick up some milk at Target.  We also printed a picture of you all and got a frame to give to daddy for fun.  ;-)   We got back home at 2pm and relaxed until we needed to pick up Joshua from school. 

Joshua, you had a great day at school little man!  It was hot and hot though .... so you were a sweaty little boy at the playground!  After stopping at the water fountain we went home.  The school gave me tote bags for Grace and Faith since they will be starting school in another 2 weeks .... and a lot of paperwork.  Looks like we have to make a stop at the pediatrician's office tomorrow with some paperwork. 

Everyone ate well for dinner and then we watered our poor little seeds .... it was 90 degrees today so they were looking pitiful .... welcome to summer in North Carolina!

Everyone got a nice bath before bed. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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