Tuesday, May 20, 2014

American Flags

Dearest Gifts~

Today was a Gigi day for you all so I got you up early as usual.  We were at her house around 7:10am this morning.  :-)

I had a pretty good day at work .... but I was on my feet a lot so they were tired when I finally left.  I did manage to drink my minimum quota of water though .... three 24 oz containers.  Go me!

You all had fun at Gigi's house.  You all made paper American flags during art time with Uncle James .... Memorial Weekend is this coming weekend!  You all played some Mario Brothers and had a walk and played outside when Grandpa Jim came home.  There was a baby turtle on the walk.  :-)  Faith took a nap, but Grace and Joshua only rested.  Joshua, you had a good speech appointment with Quinn.  We have some more homework working on 's' sounds. 

Daddy was home when we got back around 7:30pm.  We had a little bit of time to relax before bedtime.  Oh, I forgot to tell you  .... Joshua, you've woken up dry the last 3 nights!  If you keep this up you won't have to wear a pull-up at bed anymore!  Way to go!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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