Wednesday, May 7, 2014

3 Boys And 2 Girls

Dearest Precious Children~

Daddy took the day off today since Coconut and Cookie Dough had an appointment this morning.  So, we all dropped Joshua off at school and then headed to the ultrasound.  The twins are growing at the same rate and appear healthy.  The technician could see 5 fingers on each hand and even the 4 chambers of the hearts!  Wow!  You both have a strong heart beat .... and we know your gender/s .... looks like our family will consist of:

3 Boy Miracles
2 Girl Blessings

God is good, but we need to keep up the prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy!  Faith didn't really know what was going on, but Grace watched the monitor and understood she was watching two babies .... though she was hoping for at least one girl.  ;-P

Coconut and Cookie Dough, though you two don't yet have real names, daddy and I love you two very much!  We're very excited to have you both join our growing family this fall .... and you all have three great older siblings!  ;-) 

We went home afterward and had lunch.  Daddy did some yard work.  You two helped me clean the kitchen and downstairs.  Then, we went upstairs to work on a photo project to reveal the gender of the twins.  ;-)

Grace, you took a nap afterward.  So, daddy stayed here with the girls as I picked up Joshua from school.  You had a great day at school little man.  You all played outside and had fun with arts and crafts too.  We went to Harris Teeter after to pick up a fun cookie cake to celebrate our good appointment.  Joshua picked one out that had a lot of blue.  He's very excited to have two brothers!  ;-)

This evening we played some more Wii games .... the Star Wars one.  We've now made it to the level with the ewoks.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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