Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

Dearest Precious Children~

Happy Good Friday!  Good Friday marks the slaying of our Jesus .... the unblemished lamb .... the perfect sacrifice.  He took OUR guilt and blame upon Himself so WE could be with Him in paradise.  You and me!  Isn't that amazing to think about!  God is so good!

Everyone was congested and warm this morning.  At first I only gave Joshua and Grace medicine.  But Faith was cranky at breakfast and then I noticed she was warm too.  So, all three of you all ended up with medicine.  We decided to have a camp out in the playroom after breakfast and just relax .... Grace wanted to stay in her pajamas.  We watched Mickey Mouse and I also ran laundry.  Joshua, you didn't have school today due to Good Friday.  ;-)

You all ate pretty well for lunch.  I thought some fresh air would help so we made a quick trip to Harris Teeter for milk and cheese. It was a little chilly out so we had jackets on and no one noticed Grace was wearing pajamas.  ;-)

Once home, you three had your second dose of medicine and then rest time.  By 2pm the girls were napping as Joshua continued to rest on the air bed I set up earlier for our 'camp out' in the playroom.  I read and then took a shower.  Once I got out of the shower, Joshua and Grace were playing quietly as Faith continued to nap. 
When everyone was awake we went downstairs to play and bake our lasagna for dinner.  Yummy!  Daddy got home before 5pm!  Yippie!

Everyone got their nails cut and had a bath after dinner.  Then we played, relaxed, and watched television before bedtime.  You three got a third dose of medicine too.  I hope you all feel better soon!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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