Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day Outside

Dearest Precious Children~

At 2:45am this morning I gave Joshua some more medicine.  You were coughing so much that Gigi and Grandpa Jim both came in to check on us little man.  I was getting hungry, so I ended up drinking a Boost at 3am.  By 3:30am the cat came in and woke me again.  :-P 

All 4 of us were congested when we woke up .... but Gigi and Grandpa Jim had biscuits and waffles for us at 7am this morning for breakfast!  Woo hoo!

After breakfast I did a quick photo session with you three downstairs and Gigi helped.  ;-)   We got a few good shots.  Then we watched a portion of the Little Mermaid until mid morning.  By then it was warm enough to go outside and play.

We played for a long time outside again today.  The weather was gorgeous yesterday and today!  We played more baseball, threw the planes/gliders, played tag, and we played a Star Wars game where you all used the baseball bats at light sabers.  :-P  Joshua wanted to be Darth Vader.  Then, we took a walk with Uncle James and Grandpa Jim down the gold course.  We found a quarter and Joshua out it in his pocket.  We watched the water flow under the bridge .... saw golfers .... and passed the 9th and 17th holes (Gigi lives on 18th).   We saw lots of bird feeders and houses.

Everyone had lunch when back home.  Then we went outside some more and even colored the driveway with chalk.   ;-)  By 2pm we came inside for rest/nap time.

Afterward, we played outside more until dinner time .... wow, we had a lot of time outside!  You all did well for dinner too!  Everyone had a quick bath after they ate and rode back home in their pajamas.  I put Faith in her crib once home.  Daddy was home shortly behind us around 7:30pm .... our little family was complete again.  ;-)

What a fun weekend over at Gigi's house!  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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