Monday, March 10, 2014


Dearest Angels~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning .... I was really tired .... I'm guessing I was actually feeling the effects of losing an hour yesterday.  :-P  After dropping Joshua off at school, the girls and I ran an errand to get some soap and cleaners for the house.  Then, we went back home and played.  I cleaned the kitchen and then did a little photography shoot .... I tried to mimic a photograph that was taken of Gigi when she was younger by my Nana (Gigi's mama) when Gigi had long hair.  My hair is at the length now where I can donate it, so I tried to take some 'self portraits' with my hair long too.  ;-)  My hair does have the same volume, so I ended up playing with hats and earrings as accessories.  Ha!  ;-)

You both ate really well for lunch.  Then we had some playtime downstairs before rest time.  Once you two were napping I went on the exercise bike.

We played once you all were awake.  Then, I went ahead and cooked dinner for tonight .... chicken in rice with veggies.  Yummy!

Joshua, you had a great day at school.  Today was a gorgeous day so you all were on the playground when we came to pick you up.  Your face was all red and flushed!  Oh my!  You all are learning about insects and bugs this week .... ew!  I hate bugs!  ;-)

You three cleaned your plates for dinner!  Wow!  I was surprised at how much apple you three ate!  Way to go!  I let Joshua and Grace watch a Mickey Mouse as I put Faith in the tub afterward.  Then daddy was home, so I ate dinner with him as you all played.  Joshua and Grace, you all got your bath afterward. 

Oh, forgot to tell you all, the big tree outside is starting to growing little buds!  How pretty!

Also, Faith waves and gives kisses!  So adorable!  You're starting to follow little simple commands. 

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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