Monday, March 24, 2014

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Dearest Miracles~

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school this morning.  Then we headed to Harris Teeter for a quick run for milk and small items.  We got back here around 9:15am and I made my lunches for the week as you all had a snack.  Then, we colored at the kitchen table.  Faith is getting better at holding crayons. 

You all helped me run some laundry upstairs later in the morning and I did 45 minutes on the exercise bike.  Then, we headed back downstairs for lunch.  Grace and I read some stories as Faith fell asleep for nap time.  Then Grace had rest time as I loaded some photos of you all onto the laptop.  :-)   Once I was done Grace was napping. 

Once everyone was awake we played a little and then picked up Joshua from school.   You had a great day little man!  You all are learning about different types of weather this week.  We've had some crazy weather recently .... cold one day and then warm the next!

You all cleaned your plates for dinner .... whoa!  After, you all played upstairs as I folded laundry until daddy got home.  This evening we relaxed and played.

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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