Sunday, February 2, 2014


Dearest Angels~

Happy Groundhog day!  The local groundhog, Sir Walter Wally, saw his shadow and predicted 6 more weeks of winter.  ;-)

We made it to church this morning a little early!  Joshua went to big boy church and learned about Jesus and the story of the woman at the well.  Grace wanted to sit with us in adult church.  We kept Faith with us since she still has a runny nose.  I gave her some medicine before we left. 

We saw Gigi play in the Praise Team.  Uncle James and Grandpa Jim were also there.  They all sat with us for the sermon.  After church, we came back here and had lunch.  By 1pm, Joshua and Grace had rest time.  Grace fell asleep pretty quickly.  Faith played with me in the play room since she napped earlier.  Daddy ran on the treadmill.  I attempted to pick some mandolin, but ended up popping an E string and got frustrated.  Grrrr!  So, I cycled for 75 minutes.  :-P

We played this afternoon before dinner.  Daddy made a great dinner of steaks .... you all helped me with the potato and asparagus side.  Faith, you ate some of the potatoes.  Joshua, you had some steak and even some asparagus!  Whoa! 

After dinner, we watched Super Bowl XLVIII (48) .... the Seattle Seahawks vs the Denver Broncos.  Seattle won, though we didn't have a preference either way.  ;-)  I just enjoyed the half time music and some commercials.  You all played as daddy and I picked some banjo and guitar with the game on.  

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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