Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Loud Storm

Dearest Blessings~

There was a loud storm this morning that woke me an hour before my work alarm .... I hate when that happens!  :-P  Oh well!

Everyone was still sleeping when I left for work this morning, but I still gave everyone kisses.  You all were snoring away!  

One of my coworkers, and her husband, just bought a pizza place, so she brought in a lot of pizza for us all for lunch!  What a fun surprise!  Haha!

The girls had fun with Penny today.  They went for a walk since the weather was so nice!  :-)  Joshua, you had a good day at school!  You got a 'Happy Gram' from the teachers for playing so well!  Way to go!  :-)

Everyone got kisses when I got home.  We all played this evening before bedtime.  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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