Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cleaned Teeth

Dearest Angels~

Everyone was up early this morning so we all had a relaxing breakfast.  You all helped us do some chores around the house .... we hung up a coat hanger, swept, and vacuumed the downstairs.  ;-)

Once everyone was ready, we headed out for the day.  First, we stopped at my work.  I polished Grace and Joshua's teeth in the big operatory chairs!  Grace sat on daddy and Joshua sat in the chair by himself .... after watching Grace get her teeth cleaned.  Yippie!  I didn't push it with radiographs for Joshua since he was still apprehensive .... I'll bring you all back again and try then.  I'm glad you all liked the suction and water in the end.  Faith, you sat in the stroller and did well.  Also, while there, we looked at daddy's teeth and cleaned him up too.  ;-)

We went to Gigi's house afterward for lunch.  Uncle James was also there, but Grandpa Jim was out of town.  Everyone did well and cleaned their plates!  ;-)

While there, we watched the UNC basketball game .... we won!  :-)  Gigi rocked Faith to sleep.  Uncle James played Nintendo games with Grace and Joshua. 

Once we left we headed to Target for groceries .... everyone ate a cookie each.  We were back for dinner and everyone ate well.

We watched more of the Winter Olympics this evening.  This is Joshua's second Winter Olympics and the girls first .... go USA!  :-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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