Friday, February 28, 2014

3 Years Old

Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, and Faith Olivia~

Happy 3rd birthday Grace!  :-)   You were born this day in 2011 ....

Born 10:46am
7 lbs 7 ozs
20 inches

We love you so much!

Also, today is Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame members Sylvia Hatchell and Dean Smith birthdays!  Go Heels!  ;-)

The girls helped me drop Joshua off at school.   Joshua's teacher, Ms Angie, gave Grace a birthday hug!   :-)   So cute!

Afterward, we went to Target since we had no milk.  Grace picked out a cookie cake for her birthday.  :-)  Then, we went across the street to Toys R Us.  Grace picked out a pink Cinderella princess microphone for her birthday gift.  Faith also had fun playing with it! 

Once home, we all had lunch.  Then, we came upstairs to play and do some laundry.  We watched a Tinkerbell movie together and then had rest time by 1:30pm.

After you all napped, we headed out to pick up Joshua from school.  You had a great day at school, little man, and got an extra star sticker for being so good! 

Daddy got home earlier so we all had a fun birthday dinner out at Chick Fil A!  After eating, you three played in the indoor jungle gym for a few minutes. 

We got back home around 7pm and had some cookie cake and sang 'Happy Birthday' to Grace.  Then she opened her gift from Joshua and Faith .... a Minnie Mouse matching game.  Gigi, Grandpa Jim, and Uncle James called to sing.  And, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa in Asheboro called and sang too!

What a fun 3rd birthday!  Time has flown by little children .... we are so blessed to have each and every one of you all!  We love you all so much!

Happy Birthday Grace!

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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