Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Gram

Dearest Joshua David, Grace Elizabeth, and Faith Olivia~

Joshua, you still have a runny nose but you're playful.  I gave you some medicine and then called to school to discuss it.  Since you didn't have fever, the girls helped me drop you off at school.  Apparently everyone has a runny nose, the school wouldn't send you home just for that.  But, if you start to feel warm or lethargic during the day then they would call me.  

The girls and I stopped at Harris Teeter on the way home.  We needed milk, bread, and more medicine for everyone!  The girls rode in the race cart cart and each ate a cookie.  ;-)

Once home, we had some art time.  Then I put a music CD on and we played Legos.  :-)   I also picked my little tenor around the downstairs as you all played.  Grace can recognize some songs which is fun!  I love when I pick on an instrument, and she looks at me and names the tune like, "Is that Jesus Loves Me, mommy?"   ;-)

Faith ate a lot for lunch.  Grace didn't eat much.  Faith was napping by noon and Grace was resting on the couch next to me as I read.  By 12:45pm, Grace was napping. 

We had a quick snack once everyone woke up and then we picked up Joshua from school.   Joshua had a great day at school .... your nose was still slightly runny.  You got a Happy Gram from your teachers for playing nicely!

Once home, we cooked dinner.  Then, we played this evening .... we played Mario Brothers on the Wii and also some banjo and guitar.  :-)

So, how did we do with our family goals this month ....

Goal - church twice a month .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - daily Bible reading .... accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - family outing once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal -- but it's a new quarter
Goal - date night once per quarter .... accomplished 0% of goal-- but it's a new quarter
Goal - photography, or mandolin, practice 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 177% of goal
Goal - guitar/banjo practice 3 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 154% of goal
Goal - read a book a month (both) .... accomplished 300% of goal (daddy) and I accomplished 100% of goal
Goal - exercise 3 times a week (mommy) .... accomplished 138% of goal 
Goal - exercise 4 times a week (daddy) .... accomplished 117% of goal
Goal - family exercise activity once a month .... accomplished 0% (too cold for walks)
 Wow!  Good job team!  ;-)
 Sleep tight little ones!
I love you all so much!

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