Sunday, January 19, 2014

Fireplace Brick

Dearest Miracles~

I had some bad insomnia last night/early this morning.  I hate when that happens.  :-P  I was thankful everyone 'slept in' in little, but we didn't make it to church.  We had a relaxing breakfast and played downstairs.

During play time, Joshua got rough and pushed Faith over.  She fell and hit the back of her head on the fireplace brick.  She bled, but thankfully it clotted and didn't need stitches.  Joshua, you got a pop on your bottom.  You need to play nicer with your sisters and you can't be so rough. 

Everyone had a bath by mid morning.  We had to wash some dried blood from Faith's hair but you all were due anyway.  :-P  Once everyone was ready we headed out.

We had to run to Target for some groceries for the house.  Everyone ate a cookie.  ;-)  We were back home for lunch and everyone ate really well.  You all had some play time after as we cleaned up and cut up chicken for dinner.

By 2pm you all had rest time upstairs.  Daddy ran on the treadmill and I did 90 minutes on the exercise bike. 

You all helped us cook dinner after .... we cooked the chicken from earlier and added rice .... yummy!  Everyone ate well!  As daddy cooked his lunches for work this week, you all did a photo session with me.  We got a pretty good picture, but we'll keep practicing!

This evening we had fun in the playroom.  Daddy and I picked on the banjo and mandolin.  ;-)

Sleep tight little ones!

I love you all so much!


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